Dr Shuchita Singh


Assistant Professor





Course Involvement:

  1. Behavioural Finance
  2. Personal Wealth Management
  3. Financial Derivatives & Risk Management
  4. Financial Accounting
  5. Financial Management
  6. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
  7. Management Accounting
  8. Entrepreneurship Development & Finance

Principal Publications:

  1. Paper titled "Performance Evaluation of ESG Mutual Funds in India" in special issue of Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, Scopus indexed, e-ISSn: 2368-7487, Vol:10, 3S(2023): special issue 3, 1133-1143, DOI: https://doi.org/10.17762/sfs.v10i3S.122
  2. Paper titled "Impact of 16 PF global factors personality traits on perceptual biases of individual investors" in Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, ABDC Indexed, "C" Category, 43:6,1221-1231, DOI:10.1080/02522667.2022.2117324, published by Taylor & Francis.
  3. Paper titled "Russia's Military Resurgence and Impact On Investors in Financial Markets" in Manager The British Journal of Administrative Management, ABDC Indexed, "C" Category, Volume 58 Issue 150 May 2022, ISSN: 1746 1278
  4. Paper titled Financial Literacy Analysis among Management Graduates " in Journal of Social sciences, an Internationally Peer reviewed Journal, Scopus Indexed ISSN Print: 0253-1097 and Cosmos Impact Factor: 6.12, DOI : 10.13140/RG.2.2.13467.90402
  5. Paper titled "MODELING AND FORECASTING THE LINKAGE BETWEEN CRUDE OIL AND STOCK MARKET BEHAVIOR " in International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510, SCOPUS Indexed, DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.7.2020.121. 7. Paper titled "Behavioral Finance: Its Scope and Perspective" published in Asian Journal of Management Applications and Research, ISSN 2230 - 8660 (print), ISSN 2230 - 8679 (online), Vol. 08 No. 1, (January 2018).
  6. Paper titled "Behavioural Finance: It's Scope and Perspective" published in International Journal of Business and Management Invention, ISSN (Online): 2319 - 8028, ISSN (Print): 2319 - 801X, Volume 6 - Issue- 7-Version-II-July-2017, (June 2017)
  7. Paper titled "A study on effects of Geomagnetic Strom on Financial Markets" published in Ojas: An International Journal of Research in Management ISSN : 2279-0373; Online ISSN : 2321-726X, (Jan 2017)
  8. Paper titled "Bullion: A Healthy Investment Option" published in Asian Journal of Management Applications and Research Vol.05 No.01 ISSN 2230 -8679 (online), ISSN 2230 -8660 (print), (July 2016)
  9. Paper titled "Impact of Greece Debt Crisis on Indian Economy and Indian Financial Markets" published in Aathmbodh ISSN 0972-1398 Journal of Rajarshi School of Management and Technology, Varanasi, Vol. XI, No. 1, Spring 2014.
  10. Shuchita Singh & Shilpa Bahl (2013), Empirical study of factors effecting investment patterns in secondary market, JIM QUEST: Journal of Management and Technology, Vol.9, No.1, 59-64.
  11. Siddiqui, S. & Shuchita Singh (2009), Behavior Influence on Stock Market Investments: a survey, Pranjana: The Journal of Management Awareness, 12 (2): 95-104.

Short works and book chapters:

Book Publication and Chapter

  • "Behavioural Finance", Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd., ISBN: 978-93259-8457-8, Text Book for core subject in MBA IVth Semester, Behavioural Finance (NMBA-044) in Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, (earlier UPTU, Lucknow).
  • Editor of Book " Digital Disruption and Environmental, Social &Governance by Book Bazooka, ISBN: 978-93-91363-12-3 in Jan 2023.
    1. Book Chapter published in "The Future of Work: Disruption and Innovation in Management" ISBN: 978-93-56402-50-8 by Bloomsbury
    2. Book Chapter published in "Digital Disruption and Environmental, Social and Governance" by Book Bazooka